Alexandra Junior School


Claudette maragh1 updatedAlexandra Junior School is a two-form entry school. The school works very closely with Alexandra Infant School to ensure a smooth transition for Year 2 children.

The school is set in large grounds which are well used to enhance learning.

The school is rated Good by Ofsted who stated;

“Pupils enjoy learning and achieve well.”


“They take pride in their work. Pupils work and play well together.”

The school’s motto is Success through learning together and the focus values are Achieve, Respect, Care - the ARC. The children benefit from a stimulating and rewarding experience enriched by a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, an enthusiastic and committed staff and a strong supportive partnership with the community. The school is passionate about learning, for both children and adults, and aims for each child to see themselves as a successful learner building on what they bring to the school.

Ofsted Report

Alexandra Junior School

Alexandra Junior School

HeadteacherClaudette Maragh


Cator Road, Sydenham SE26 5DS